Bones of the Face
The skull is composed of bones of the cranium and bones of the face. The bones of the face support the soft tissues of the face and serve as attachment points for the muscles of facial expression.
Facial bones
The facial bones are:
Two zygomatic bones
The zygomatic bones (also known as cheek bones) articulate with the frontal bone, sphenoidal bone, temporal bone and the maxilla.
Two lacrimal bones
The lacrimal bones form the medial wall of the orbit.
Two nasal bones
The nasal bones form the bridge of the nose.
Two palatine bones
The palatine bones form part of the hard palate in the roof of the oral cavity.
Two inferior nasal conchae
The inferior nasal conchae are in the nasal cavity.
Two maxillae
The maxilla made up of two bones that come together to form part of the upper jaw and the hard palate.
One mandible
The mandible forms the lower jaw and articulates with the cranial temporal bone at the temporomandibular joint.
One vomer
The vomer forms the posterior portion of the nasal septum