Male Reproductive System

The male reproductive system largely resides within the pelvis, with the exception of some tissues that are located outside these region. The male reproductive system is responsible for the production of gametes and later depositing them as an ejaculate in the female reproductive system, for reproduction to take place.

It is made up of external and internal organs such as:

  1. Penis

    • Which functions both in the urinary and reproductive systems.

  2. Testes

    • The is the location of sperm production, maturation and storage.

  3. Epididymis

    • This is also the location of sperm production, maturation and storage.

  4. Scrotum

    • The scrotum is a fibromuscular sac that contains and protects the testicles.

  5. Spermatic cord

    • The spermatic cord is a collection of blood vessels, nerves and ducts that connect the testes to the pelvic cavity. Many important structures run in this bundle, including the testicular artery, pampiniform plexus of testicular veins and vas deferens.

  6. Prostate gland

    • It secretes enzymes into the semen which maintain the semen’s fluid state.

  7. Bulbourethral glands

    • The bulbourethral glands, or Cowper’s glands, produce a mucus secretion which serves as lubrication, expels any urine residue from the urethra and neutralises residual acidity within the urethra.

  8. Seminal vesicles

    • The seminal vesicles release a fructose-rich alkaline fluid for the transport of sperm.