Joints of the Thorax
Costovertebral Joints
The following are some notes on costovertebral joints:
Cartilaginous joint
The superior facet on the head of the rib articulates with the inferior demifacet of the vertebra above
The inferior facet on the head of the rib articulates with the superior demifacet of the same numbered vertebra
The 10th to 12th ribs articulate only with one vertebra and only have one face
The 11th and 12th ribs do not have a tubercle and do not articulate with transverse processes
Costotransverse Joints
The following are some notes on costotransverse joints:
Plane synovial joint
Transverse processes of a thoracic vertebra and the tubercle of its adjacent rib
Present in all vertebrae except T11 and T12
Other Types of Joints
Other types of joints in the thorax include: